Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Completely Irrelevant

This is the most irrelevant post that will make this blog. You should certainly read Nick's post below before reading this. Nonetheless, I was taking a look at the various church websites of the churches represented here. I came across something odd at the Lodgepole. Duke Revard's children are named Evangeline and Lily. When combined, that happens to be the name of one of the stars of ABC's Lost (clearly, Evangeline Lilly who plays Kate Austen). Here's the deal: I don't know how old Duke's girls are. However, if they're less than 3 or 3 & 1/2 years old, I'm convinced that he named them after this actress (but took out one "L" in Lilly to throw us all off the trail).


Roland said...

This is the most relevant post I've ever read! I just got hooked on lost this year. Kassie and I flew through seasons 1-3 in 3 months. We're almost caught up in season 4. If this was not intentional, then J.J. Abrams has deeply infiltrated the American subconscious further than we could have imagined. If it was intentional, then that's hilarious and awesome. I expect someone who knows Duke better than I will get to the bottom of this. Nice catch James.

Josh said...

I actually confronted Duke about this fact a couple weeks ago... He had no knowledge of the actress. Both names were chosen at random. The first he or his wife heard about this was from another over informed fan, much like the people blogging and commenting on this blog...hmm.